El Día de los Muertos
The children in our Reception class have been learning about el Día de los Muertos. This is a Mexican celebration where people remember their loved ones who have died. We [...]
Hyndburn And Ribble Valley Inter-Schools Cross Country Competition
Last Thursday, a group of 20 Senior pupils headed to Wilson Playing Fields to take part in the Hyndburn and Ribble Valley inter-schools cross country competition. This involved taking on [...]
Year 8 Science
Year 8 have been getting back into the swing of practical work after the summer. They have been measuring the energy content in crackers and deciding which of their lunchtime [...]
Amazing Acrobatic Isabel
Isabel in Year 2 recently entered an acrobatic competition at Burnley Mechanics, where they had to learn three dances. All the dancers performed the same dance and the judges narrow [...]
Well Done Yahya!
Recently Yahya, in Year Three took, part in a wrestling competition in Bury. This was his first go at a competition in this sport and all his practising really paid [...]
Multi Skills Session
On Friday Key stage one took part in dance activities during their lunchtime multi skills session. The group had so much fun playing dance related games to their favourite music. [...]
Ribble Valley Cross Country
Yesterday 10 of our prep pupils competed in the Ribble Valley Cross Country race. Our girls team of 4 runners made a fantastic start, there were 135 girls that completed [...]
Year Three are studying The Romans this term. Recently they have been investigating Roman Gods and Goddesses. In their art lessons they have transformed plain face masks (not the covid [...]
Year Two Learn About Trust
Year Two have been learning all about Trust in their RE lesson this week. They listened to and then acted out the bible story of Abraham and Sarah. They performed [...]
Year 7 Team Building Visit To Gisburn Forest
Last week our Year 7 pupils enjoyed a day out together with a team-building visit to Gisburn Forest. Their day of adventure began with an orienteering challenge, with teams competing [...]
World Mental Health Day
Year Three have been finding out all about World Mental Health Day. They have been trying out a technique for calming down the body and mind called Belly Breathing. To [...]
National Poetry Day
It is National Poetry Day today, and our Year 6 visitors have composed these wonderful haiku in their English taster lesson.
Mason Romanus
As part of his studies on The Romans in Year Three, Mason has been doing some extra work-working with the support of his dad designing and making a Roman helmet. [...]
Prep Music
Year 3 and 4 have created a giant rainmaker whilst learning about world music and the importance weather has on music, it might have worked too well! Year 1 and [...]
Prep Football Team’s First Fixture Of The Season
Our prep football teams made a fantastic start to the season. Yesterday we travelled to Highfield Priory in Preston for the boys games afternoon. Our Oakhill greens had great win [...]
Year 7 Glow Dodgeball
All Year 7 took part in the new transition dodgeball event at Ribblesdale school. We took 3 teams to the event who all had a great about of fun wearing [...]
Prep Student Council
Here are our new Prep Student Council members, voted for by their classmates. They will meet on a Tuesday with Mrs Thomas and Mrs Heron. We are looking forward to [...]
Roman Roads
Year Three are studying The Romans and this week they have been investigating how they constructed their road systems. For homework they were asked to design a cross section of [...]