KS3 Graphics
During Term 1 KS3 students studied Graphics which included different types of typography, and the principles around them. Such as, serif, san serif, calligrams and producing letters on isometric paper. [...]
Year 4 Timetables
What better way to learn and consolidate your timetables than playing a competitive game against your partner?! Year 4 had great fun in their weekly timetables sessions by trying to [...]
Year 7 Online Parliament Lesson
Pupils in Year 7 were fortunate to have an online lesson with the UK Parliament Education Service who led them through the fundamentals of democracy and role of the Houses [...]
Well done Scarlett!
Well done to Year 3 pupil, Scarlett who had an Awards Ceremony yesterday at her theatre workshop and won an award for her second exam of the year! She was [...]
Borough Glow Dodgeball Tournament
Oakhill are hosting the Borough glow dodgeball tournament this morning. All of year six are involved enjoying the fun, fair play and sportspersonship challenge. All the schools involved are having [...]
Bioparc Animal Park
This afternoon our Malaga travellers had fun at Bioparc Animal Park.
Malaga Trip Visit Ark Christian School, Fuengirola
Our Malaga group have spent this morning at the Ark Christian School in Fuengirola. Pupils spent lessons together with their pupils and thoroughly enjoyed their time there.
Cross Country
Rain didn’t stop play today, Year 7 & 8 continued working through their scheme of work to build their cardiovascular and muscular endurance in preparation for the inter house event. [...]
Los Tres Reyes
Reception children have been very interested to learn this week about the Festival of the Three Kings that took place last week in Spanish-speaking countries to celebrate the Epiphany. They [...]
Lego Club
Pupils have had lots of fun during yesterday's Lego club. Their designs have ranged from go-karts and houses to building structures that are as tall as them. We look forward [...]
Mason’s Roman Fort
Mason, in Year Three, is a wiz at designing and making things and spends many a happy hour with his dad coming up with all kinds of wonderful creations. So [...]
Christmas Sock Competition
The Prep Student Council held a Christmas Sock Competition before Christmas, where children had to decorate a pair of socks with a Christmas theme. There were lots of festive entries, [...]
Roman Aqueducts
As a final activity to complete their history studies on The Romans, Year Three had a go at designing and constructing their own aqueducts. They worked in teams and began [...]
Meteorites Land At Oakhill
Last week moon rocks and meteorites landed at Oakhill by special delivery from the Science and Technology Facilities Council through their Borrow the Moon scheme. Pupils from all year groups [...]
Jodrell Bank Visit
Yesterday we went to Jodrell Bank to see the third largest telescope of its kind in the world. It’s a radio telescope, which uses radio waves from space. They go [...]
Jodrell Bank Trip
Year 10 and 11 triple science groups are almost at Jodrell Bank
GLOW dodgeball
Pupils from reception to year 11 have been treated to GLOW dodgeball in their final PE lessons of the term. Mrs Smith borrowed the UV kit and lights from the [...]
Christmas Lunch
Today was everybody’s favourite lunch - Christmas lunch as always it was absolutely delicious. Well done and thank you to all our catering staff for today and all the lunches [...]