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Sing Song Friday


One of Mrs. Wilson’s favourite times of the week is Sing Song Friday and over the years has enjoyed a multitude of different songs, which even to this day remind her of certain children she has taught and brings a big smile to her face. This week however was the [...]

Sing Song Friday2023-05-22T13:50:09+01:00

Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Animal Olympics


Yesterday we hosted the Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Animal Olympics. Bad weather and soggy fields meant that the event moved inside which made for an electric atmosphere. 15 schools took it in turns to compete in a number of animal themed activities such as a "Cheetah run" or an "elephant [...]

Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Animal Olympics2023-05-22T13:49:10+01:00

Tudor Houses


Over the last few weeks the boys and girls in Year 2 have been busy designing and making Tudor houses following on from their work on The Great Fire of London. They worked hard to include different features including a jetty, small high up windows and of course the black [...]

Tudor Houses2023-05-22T13:42:55+01:00

Oakhill’s Coronation Celebrations


Oakhill’s Coronation Celebrations have got off to a great start this afternoon with a picnic lunch and cupcake decorating. We then moved into the sports hall where Mr Baron, our Chair of Governors explained to staff and children how our wonderful school came to be. We were joined by Pre [...]

Oakhill’s Coronation Celebrations2023-05-22T13:36:43+01:00

Oakhill Twitchers


Our school Twitchers have been looking after the birds in their environment at school and home in another one of our many our school lunchtime clubs. The Twitchers have been very creative making different types of bird feeders using different foods, bird baths, tree shaking (ask the Twitchers), litter picking [...]

Oakhill Twitchers2023-04-28T11:46:10+01:00

Spring Ball


What a fantastic evening we had at our Spring Ball on Saturday, held at Mytton Fold. It was lovely to see past pupils, current and past parents, grandparents and staff. We enjoyed a beautiful meal and then danced until the early hours. Thank you to everybody who supported the event [...]

Spring Ball2023-04-28T10:49:20+01:00



Our Prep pupils have been learning to play a version of Boccia in one of the many lunchtime clubs on offer at Oakhill. The children learned how to play the game using weighted balls to try and hit a small target and having fun trying to master how much force [...]

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