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Bake Off!


It was Bake Off time again in Year 2 last week where the children were introduced to making bread. Great fun was had measuring, weighing and kneading although obviously the best bit was eating! They were delighted with their efforts and have even taken the recipe home to hopefully hone [...]

Bake Off!2023-05-22T14:02:15+01:00

DofE Expedition


Year 10 enjoyed glorious weather for their first 2 day DofE expedition this weekend. They have been training since last September, fine tuning their navigation, and preparing equipment ready for setting up camp - some have even learnt to cook for the first time! Groups completed their two day walk [...]

DofE Expedition2023-05-22T14:00:13+01:00

Leavers Meal


This year’s Leavers Meal was held at The Foxfields, which was the perfect place to celebrate their years at Oakhill. Many photos were taken outside, after which we enjoyed a beautiful meal. Mrs Buttery talked about each pupil’s personality and how they had blossomed during their time at Oakhill, and [...]

Leavers Meal2023-05-22T13:56:41+01:00

Archaeology Talk


Pupils were fortunate to have a lunch time talk from Dr Brandon Fathy who works at the University of Leicester as an archaeologist. He gave a fascinating talk on his recent work where he uncovered 1111 bodies including a plague pit and a Roman cellar. His passion for answering questions [...]

Archaeology Talk2023-05-22T13:54:43+01:00

Sing Song Friday


One of Mrs. Wilson’s favourite times of the week is Sing Song Friday and over the years has enjoyed a multitude of different songs, which even to this day remind her of certain children she has taught and brings a big smile to her face. This week however was the [...]

Sing Song Friday2023-05-22T13:50:09+01:00

Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Animal Olympics


Yesterday we hosted the Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Animal Olympics. Bad weather and soggy fields meant that the event moved inside which made for an electric atmosphere. 15 schools took it in turns to compete in a number of animal themed activities such as a "Cheetah run" or an "elephant [...]

Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Animal Olympics2023-05-22T13:49:10+01:00

Tudor Houses


Over the last few weeks the boys and girls in Year 2 have been busy designing and making Tudor houses following on from their work on The Great Fire of London. They worked hard to include different features including a jetty, small high up windows and of course the black [...]

Tudor Houses2023-05-22T13:42:55+01:00
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