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Year 2 Bake Bread


It was baking day yesterday in Year 2 as the children were learning how to make bread and write instructions. Great fun was had weighing and mixing with lots of energy used up when they had to knead the dough. They were shocked that being a baker was such hard [...]

Year 2 Bake Bread2022-05-17T11:44:20+01:00

Prep Student Council


Last term our Prep Student Council worked hard to raise money, by running several cake sales and a very successful toy sale. After counting all the cash this morning they are delighted to announce that they have raised a whopping £558.29! Their next challenge is deciding what to spend the [...]

Prep Student Council2022-05-17T11:40:26+01:00

Earth Day


Reception celebrated Earth day on Friday by making butterfly-friendly seed bombs. They tore up scrap paper to make the papier maché base, added seeds and food colouring and made them into mini globes. We are going to plant them at home and at school - we hope the butterflies like [...]

Earth Day2022-05-17T11:29:50+01:00

Tudor Houses


Year 2 have worked really hard using lots of different skills to make Tudor houses as they have been learning about The Great Fire of London. They designed their own style and patterns to produce a street scene although they were adamant that they didn't want their models to be [...]

Tudor Houses2022-05-17T11:26:10+01:00

Easter Cards


Year 6 pupils have had a very exciting day yesterday! Before the Easter break, they had designed their very own cards to send to their friends at our partner school in France. Today saw the arrival of the cards the French children had carefully crafted for them. They had fun [...]

Easter Cards2022-05-17T11:24:17+01:00

Trampolining Gold!


Year 6 pupil, Haris has only been trampolining since Christmas 2021 and last weekend he entered a National competition in Brighton…IF Haris came in the top 8 he would go on to perform later this year at the Olympics Stadium…Well guess what… he got GOLD! 1st place! Both his family [...]

Trampolining Gold!2022-05-17T10:38:50+01:00

10k Success


Year 11 pupil Chris took on his first 10k race last weekend at Fleetwood. Chris is a very committed member of our own running club at Oakhill and has gone from strength to strength over the past few years, improving his pace, technique and stamina. He has also recently joined [...]

10k Success2023-01-29T19:25:16+00:00

Parents Association Easter Egg Bingo


The annual Parents Association Easter Egg Bingo event finally returned after a break of three years. In return for playing bingo… four corners, a line and a full house… winning participants were rewarded with chocolate eggs. The event was held for the first time at the function room of Clitheroe [...]

Parents Association Easter Egg Bingo2022-05-17T09:25:41+01:00
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