Well Done Scarlett!
Leo Baron2022-05-17T14:09:16+01:00Well done to Scarlett in Year 2 on her Intro 1 Drama exam and achieving a Highly Commended result
Well done to Scarlett in Year 2 on her Intro 1 Drama exam and achieving a Highly Commended result
Reception are very talented linguists. This afternoon we had one pupil writing in Turkish, one in French, one in Bulgarian and one in Bengali!! Wow
The year 4/5 cricket team competed in the Ribble Valley cricket tournament. The children played well in the group stage and managed to scrape through. In the afternoon we played in the knockout rounds, and they all upped their game. The batting and bowling was excellent but the stand out [...]
Inspired by the beautiful spring weather Year 2 were eager to develop some unusual painting skills. They have produced wonderful pictures of wildflowers but without using a paintbrush! Instead they have used lolly pop sticks, art straws, pencils, fingers, pipe cleaners, pieces of card and cotton buds. They are rightly [...]
Nature Club began this week celebrating all that is colourful in nature. The school grounds look stunning now, with blossom a plenty and plants popping up everywhere. The pupils were set the challenge of collecting plant samples of as many different colours and shades as possible. And they 'rose' to [...]
Pupils from Key Stage 3 who have been involved in writing in the History Magazine and members of 'Cake Club' on Mondays where we have been investigating the Ancient World, enjoyed a visit to the Roman Museum at Ribchester. Curator Patrick gave us an introductory talk about the history of [...]
Year 5 have been on a journey back in time during their recent science topic, as they looked at the stages of human development and how we all reach certain key milestones on our journeys. They were so interested in their own journeys that they produced beautifully illustrated books showing [...]
Drawing Club proved very popular with the children in Prep last week. Here they are showing their first task - each with an individual twist!
Year 7 enjoyed a great day at Fairhaven Lake with the RSPB staff who led them in a variety of activities. Students have been studying coastal landforms and processes and were able to see the real-world application of what they have been learning about in the classroom. They looked at [...]
We had the pleasure of welcoming back past pupil and Headboy, Giles Bridge, came to deliver a careers insight into Architecture to design technology pupils in years 9, 10 and 11, to talk about his course at Lancaster University. The course offers an arts route into Architecture and is the [...]
Proprietor and Chair of Governors: Mr Anthony Baron KSG
Can also be contacted at all times via the address / telephone number at the bottom of the page
Principal: Jane Buttery BA (Hons) NPQH
Admissions Registrar: Kay Aspinall
School Secretary: Katie Wilson
Oakhill School and Nursery | Wiswell Lane, Whalley, Lancashire BB7 9AF | Tel: 01254 823546
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