Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Dies
Leo Baron2022-09-12T16:20:16+01:00The Oakhill family pray for the soul of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on her passing. Our deepest condolences to her family at this time of great sadness.
The Oakhill family pray for the soul of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on her passing. Our deepest condolences to her family at this time of great sadness.
After winning the Blackburn Arena artistic ice-skating competition in July, Juliet was invited to compete at the National Artistic final in Milton Keynes at the weekend. Juliet was skating in the level 5-7 category against the 13 other winners from Planet Ice rinks around the country. Each competitor had to [...]
Year 8 pupil, Joel has created a lifelike lego model of school. The impressive model was started in January for the ‘Year 8 Challenge Project’ and took over 6 months to complete. The model, which was based on an outline of the school, alongside Google Earth images, was built by [...]
Welcome also to our youngest pupils in our Reception class . We look forward to seeing you around school and watching how you grow in the coming months
We would like to say a big ‘Welcome to the Oakhill Family’ to our new Year 7 class . We are sure you will settle in and get to know your way around school in no time.
GCSE results may have fallen nationally but at Oakhill the opposite is true, with students receiving significantly better results than in previous years. Nearly a quarter of all the exams taken by this year’s students received the highest grade of 9, awarded to a very small minority of pupils in [...]
Mission accomplished! Our amazing L2L team rolled into Lowestoft at midday, after their 500 mile journey from Land’s End. Smiles all round and a cool sea breeze. Huge well done to the team, a brilliant achievement. Many thanks for all the support and donations. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/oakhilll2l
The penultimate day saw the L2L team ride from Huntingdon through Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and in to Norfolk. Over the last 7 days the team have climbed more than the height of Mount Everest reaching 30,000 feet today. Their first stop was at Ely, where on approach they could see it's [...]
Another glorious day for the L2L team as they cycled into the flatter countryside of Cambridgeshire through many miles of glorious country lanes. A cafe stop at Grafham Water helped us cool off in the afternoon before cycling into Huntingdon. Some of the team even enjoyed a swim in the [...]
Day 5 complete for the L2L team. It was once again a long ride for the cyclists with another 100km done out of the 800km trip! This morning the team left Nympsfield at 8am sharp and arrived in Banbury just a few hours later with a smile on their faces [...]
Proprietor and Chair of Governors: Mr Anthony Baron KSG
Can also be contacted at all times via the address / telephone number at the bottom of the page
Principal: Jane Buttery BA (Hons) NPQH
Admissions Registrar: Kay Aspinall
School Secretary: Katie Wilson
Oakhill School and Nursery | Wiswell Lane, Whalley, Lancashire BB7 9AF | Tel: 01254 823546
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