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Multi Skills Session


On Friday Key stage one took part in dance activities during their lunchtime multi skills session. The group had so much fun playing dance related games to their favourite music. Pupils moved freely expressing themselves to different styles of music. We then worked on mirroring in pairs, where there was [...]

Multi Skills Session2022-10-11T15:13:51+01:00



Year Three are studying The Romans this term. Recently they have been investigating Roman Gods and Goddesses. In their art lessons they have transformed plain face masks (not the covid variety!) into their chosen god or goddess. They really enjoyed experimenting with different colours and materials. Their very striking masks [...]


Year 7 Team Building Visit To Gisburn Forest


Last week our Year 7 pupils enjoyed a day out together with a team-building visit to Gisburn Forest. Their day of adventure began with an orienteering challenge, with teams competing to find as many checkpoints as possible in a corner of the forest. This involved map reading skills, using a [...]

Year 7 Team Building Visit To Gisburn Forest2022-10-11T13:54:41+01:00

Mason Romanus


As part of his studies on The Romans in Year Three, Mason has been doing some extra work-working with the support of his dad designing and making a Roman helmet. In Show and Tell Time he explained how he had made each part of the helmet and what each part [...]

Mason Romanus2022-09-30T08:34:03+01:00

Prep Music


Year 3 and 4 have created a giant rainmaker whilst learning about world music and the importance weather has on music, it might have worked too well! Year 1 and 2 were creating their very own first compositions, using music notation they have learnt, and which were then brought to [...]

Prep Music2022-10-11T14:19:01+01:00
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