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Roman Aqueducts


As a final activity to complete their history studies on The Romans, Year Three had a go at designing and constructing their own aqueducts. They worked in teams and began by making the supports. In order to test out their strength, the children engaged in 'sword fights'. The winning paper [...]

Roman Aqueducts2023-01-09T14:27:38+00:00

Meteorites Land At Oakhill


Last week moon rocks and meteorites landed at Oakhill by special delivery from the Science and Technology Facilities Council through their Borrow the Moon scheme. Pupils from all year groups got hands on experience of rocks from space and investigated their densities, crystal formation and magnetic properties. Even pupils who [...]

Meteorites Land At Oakhill2022-12-15T10:31:55+00:00

Jodrell Bank Visit


Yesterday we went to Jodrell Bank to see the third largest telescope of its kind in the world. It’s a radio telescope, which uses radio waves from space. They go into the dish and bounce into the telescope part in the centre. At the moment, its mainly studying pulse stars. [...]

Jodrell Bank Visit2022-12-15T10:00:28+00:00

GLOW dodgeball


Pupils from reception to year 11 have been treated to GLOW dodgeball in their final PE lessons of the term. Mrs Smith borrowed the UV kit and lights from the school games organiser to create a bit of festive fun. Everyone has thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity and are looking forward [...]

GLOW dodgeball2022-12-14T13:08:29+00:00

Royal Society of Chemistry’s Flash Bang Show


Year 9 enjoyed watching the Royal Society of Chemistry's Flash Bang Show last Friday, expertly delivered by Dr Frank Mair. Dr Mair, who lectures at the University of Manchester, educated and entertained the pupils by setting Hydrogen balloons on fire with a bang and wowed them with colourful oscillating reactions [...]

Royal Society of Chemistry’s Flash Bang Show2022-12-08T14:55:19+00:00
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