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KS3 Graphics


During Term 1 KS3 students studied Graphics which included different types of typography, and the principles around them. Such as, serif, san serif, calligrams and producing letters on isometric paper. Students then studied the artist Charles Demuth and designed their own work based on their interests and typography. This was [...]

KS3 Graphics2023-02-02T14:01:45+00:00

Well done Scarlett!


Well done to Year 3 pupil, Scarlett who had an Awards Ceremony yesterday at her theatre workshop and won an award for her second exam of the year! She was awarded with yet another HIGHLY COMMENDED! She got to walk on the ‘red carpet’ and ‘dressed to impress’. Well done [...]

Well done Scarlett!2023-02-01T14:46:43+00:00

Borough Glow Dodgeball Tournament


Oakhill are hosting the Borough glow dodgeball tournament this morning. All of year six are involved enjoying the fun, fair play and sportspersonship challenge. All the schools involved are having great fun wearing luminous clothing and playing their favourite game in the dark! Our Year 8 boys are running and [...]

Borough Glow Dodgeball Tournament2023-02-01T14:47:01+00:00

Cross Country


Rain didn’t stop play today, Year 7 & 8 continued working through their scheme of work to build their cardiovascular and muscular endurance in preparation for the inter house event. It was muddy at points but the class gave their all showing grit and determination in poor conditions! Mrs Smith [...]

Cross Country2023-01-12T11:46:31+00:00

Los Tres Reyes


Reception children have been very interested to learn this week about the Festival of the Three Kings that took place last week in Spanish-speaking countries to celebrate the Epiphany. They loved the idea of receiving extra presents in their shoes from the Three Kings but, understandably, weren't too keen on [...]

Los Tres Reyes2023-01-12T11:41:48+00:00

Lego Club


Pupils have had lots of fun during yesterday's Lego club. Their designs have ranged from go-karts and houses to building structures that are as tall as them. We look forward to seeing their creations next week.  

Lego Club2023-02-01T14:10:08+00:00
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